It is worth investing in Kętrzyn
The potential of Kętrzyn is still an attractive area for Polish and foreign investors. The current level of development of one of the macroregions in Poland, Eastern Poland, the area which includes the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship and forecasts of economic development indicate that this region aims to intensify economic development. Recognizing the possibilities of its own potential, Kętrzyn is at the forefront of cities in the voivodship with the highest investment attractiveness and the lowest risk of investing. The city makes every efforts to create optimal conditions for the development of entrepreneurs. The city of Kętrzyn takes actions stimulating the economic activity of the city and promoting Kętrzyn as a convenient and attractive place for making business and investment activities.
Economic potential
In the study of the attractiveness of the regions 2016, carried out by Polish Investment and Trade Agency in Warsaw, the city of Kętrzyn was marked with an orange star, which means above average rating in all analyzed areas (national economy, industry, trade, tourist services and professional services).
Entrepreneurship potential
The investors who decided to run a business here were convinced about the fact that the city of Kętrzyn is a good place for the implementation of investment plans and the development. These are: Philips Lighting Poland in Kętrzyn, MTI‑Furninova, ‚Warmia’ S.A. in Kętrzyn and Magnetic System Technology sp. z o.o. in Kętrzyn. Their presence creates a favorable business environment and a favorable economic situation for other investors, e.g. plastics production facility in Kwidzyn, factory Mazury in Kętrzyn, Pianpol Styła S.J. The authorities create a positive image of the city in the field of economic policy.
Cooperation potential
The self-government of the Kętrzyn city cooperates with the Association of municipalities ‚Barcja’ carrying out joint projects, e.g. the creation of the Functional Area in Kętrzyn. The Association took part in the international property market and investment fair Real Connect 2018 in Warsaw. The folder was presented with the areas of the Functional Area in Kętrzyn ‚Green light for investment – investment offer of KOF’, promotional folders of municipalities and investment folder ‚Kętrzyn Inwestuj’.
Technical potential
Therefore, the self-government is trying to create optimal conditions for investment projects in Kętrzyn. A favorable social climate and professionally prepared technical infrastructure are the most important advantages of Kętrzyn. For investors’ needs there are specially prepared investment areas. The plots located along the main communication routes or in their vicinity constitute an attractive investment offer of Kętrzyn.
Position potential
Kętrzyn is a border city, a subregional center of development of Warmia and Mazury with a very large potential for cooperation with the Eastern economic partners and possibilities of running business ventures on both sides of the border.
Intellectual potential The proximity to the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and the Olsztyn Science and Technology Park is a great asset in the context of cooperation between these institutions and entrepreneurs, facilitating the flow of knowledge and technology between scientific units and entrepreneurs.
Tourist potential
Kętrzyn is considered as a tourist center with a developed cooperation of participants in this industry and with an attractive sport and recreation infrastructure and tourist offer. The city is appreciated by guests for the special qualities of the natural environment and the cultural heritage. The most important monuments in the city of Kętrzyn and the surrounding area you can find on the Tourist Information Point website.